New Theme.

Say hello to Hugo Winston!

Ok ok, I admit I did say this was going to be a minimal CSS and old-fashioned text-only kinda blog, but no-style-please felt a bit too “no style”, which is why I went looking for something with a bit more colourful. I came across a few that were pretty good, one of them being archie. I liked this one! Much like no-style-please, this too was a minimal CSS, text-only blog but a bit funkier, it had a dark mode that you could toggle on and off, social media links in the footer, links to other pages on the site in the header, overall a well-structured site. However, it turned out to be too good to be true! While it looked spectacular and aligned with what I wanted, it didn’t render markdown correctly. Basic things like headings weren’t rendered properly, unordered list items would unexpectedly start from a new line sometimes, and images wouldn’t show up. I did come up with a workaround for dealing with headings but nothing could be done about the others.

Hugo Winston on the other hand isn’t so minimal, it has a bit of CSS to it that does wonders, to be honest. It’s not as minimal as I wanted when I started this blog, but it looks good, I’m able to tinker around with the CSS and make some changes, markdown works perfectly, it has all the things archie offers and a little extra sprinkled on top of that. So, yeah this is what I am going with now, still working out colour combinations for the frame you see around the body and the body itself. All in all, I like it!

Sadly though, this theme doesn’t have a dark mode. I’ll probably have to see if we can integrate that somehow. I’ll put up a post if I’m able to implement that!
